Industry Partnerships

Unlock Opportunities to make a big impact

Are you interested in partnering and growing with Ostomy Canada Society Inc. (Ostomy Canada)? Our industry partnerships are designed to align with our mission and enhance the overall support for people living with an ostomy, and their circles of support, across Canada. Discover the various opportunities for industry partnerships and how your collaboration with Ostomy Canada can make a meaningful difference below.

Why Partner with Ostomy Canada Society?

Types of partnerships

What’s the difference between an Associate Partner and an Industry Partner?

While an Associate Partner is typically a not-for-profit or registered charity that shares a mission that aligns with Ostomy Canada Society’s and/or our goals overlap to serve and support different members or patient groups, an Industry Partner is a for-profit company or organization whose business goals also support and elevate Ostomy Canada Society’s mission. The former is typically a non-financial agreement or partnership, while the latter involves financial support or contributions in the form of sponsorship or donations. Ostomy Canada is aligned and grows with like-minded associations and groups that are dedicated to helping people and their circles of support live life to the fullest through support, education, collaboration and advocacy. Many of these associate partners and Ostomy Canada have a long history of working together, supporting each other’s Mission and at times resource to advance of each organization and their mutual benefit.

Associate Partnerships

Industry Partnerships

Learn More About Advertising and Sponsorship for Industry Partners