
Navigating the Jejunostomy Journey: A Comprehensive Guide


Jejunostomy is the surgical creation of an opening (stoma) through the skin at the front of the abdomen and the wall of the jejunum (part of the small intestine). It can be performed either endoscopically, or with open surgery. A jejunostomy may be formed following bowel resection in cases where there is a need to bypass the distal small bowel and/or colon due to a bowel leak or perforation. Depending on the length of jejunum resected or bypassed the patient may have resultant short bowel syndrome and require parenteral nutrition. A jejunostomy is different from a jejunal feeding tube.

Diagnosis and Decision Making

Receiving a diagnosis for the need of a jejunostomy involves careful consideration and decision-making.

  • Medical Evaluation:
    • Seek thorough medical evaluation to understand the necessity of a jejunostomy.
    • Consult with healthcare professionals, including surgeons and nutritionists, for a comprehensive assessment.

  • Understanding the Options:
    • Learn about the various types of jejunostomies and their implications.
    • Discuss potential alternatives and the benefits of a jejunostomy with your healthcare team.

  • Decision Making:
    • Make an informed decision in collaboration with your healthcare team, considering long-term health goals and quality of life.

Preparation and Education

Preparation is key to ensuring a smooth transition into life with a jejunostomy.

  • Preoperative Education:
    • Attend preoperative education sessions to understand the surgical procedure, potential outcomes, and lifestyle adjustments.
    • Discuss expectations, concerns, and questions with your healthcare team.

  • Nutritional Guidance:
    • Receive guidance from a nutritionist to prepare for dietary changes post-jejunostomy.
    • Learn about nutritional support options and supplements that may be required.

  • Psychological Support:
    • Seek psychological support to address emotional aspects of the journey.
    • Engage with support groups or counseling services to connect with others who have undergone similar procedures.

Surgery and Hospitalization

Undergoing surgery for a jejunostomy requires careful planning and recovery.

  • Surgical Procedure:
    • Understand the specifics of the jejunostomy surgery.
    • Discuss anesthesia, potential complications, and postoperative care with your surgical team.

  • Hospital Stay:
    • Anticipate a hospital stay for initial recovery and monitoring.
    • Collaborate with healthcare professionals to manage pain, monitor nutrition, and address any immediate concerns.

  • Postoperative Care:
    • Learn postoperative care procedures, including stoma care, feeding tube maintenance, and wound care.
    • Receive guidance on resuming activities and dietary changes during the recovery period.

Complications and Problem Solving

Addressing complications is part of the jejunostomy journey; proactive problem-solving is crucial.

  • Common Complications:
    • Be aware of potential complications, such as infection, blockages, or leakage around the stoma.
    • Consult with healthcare professionals promptly if complications arise.

  • Problem-Solving Strategies:
    • Learn problem-solving strategies for addressing issues like tube dislodgment, clogs, or discomfort.
    • Have an emergency plan in place and know when to seek immediate medical attention.

  • Regular Follow-Ups:
    • Attend regular follow-up appointments to monitor and address any ongoing concerns.
    • Collaborate with your healthcare team for long-term care planning.

Adapting to a New Lifestyle

Adjusting to life with a jejunostomy involves embracing a new normal.

  • Clothing and Fashion:
    • Explore clothing options that provide comfort.
    • Consider accessories or adaptive clothing to enhance confidence and style.

  • Intimacy and Relationships:
    • Foster open communication with partners about the jejunostomy.
    • Explore intimacy options and seek support for relationship adjustments.

  • Work and Employment:
    • Communicate openly with employers about your needs and potential workplace adjustments.
    • Explore flexible work options and advocate for accommodations that support your well-being.
  • Social Engagement:
    • Reintegrate into social activities gradually, seeking support from friends and family.
    • Educate others about your jejunostomy to foster understanding and empathy.

Routine Jejunostomy Care

Establishing a routine for jejunostomy care is essential for long-term well-being.

  • Daily Care Procedures:
    • Learn and practice daily care routines, including cleaning the stoma, changing dressings, and maintaining hygiene.

  • Hydration and Nutrition:
    • Prioritize hydration and adhere to nutritional recommendations provided by healthcare professionals.
    • Monitor dietary intake and make adjustments based on guidance from nutritionists.

  • Physical Activity and Exercise:
    • Engage in physical activities suitable for your health condition.
    • Consult with healthcare professionals to develop an exercise routine that aligns with your capabilities.

Nutrition and Diet

Dietary considerations play a crucial role in managing life with a jejunostomy.

  • Dietary Adjustments:
    • Adapt your diet to accommodate changes in nutrient absorption.
    • Work closely with a nutritionist to create a balanced and nourishing meal plan.

  • Supplements and Vitamins:
    • Consider supplements or vitamins as recommended by healthcare professionals.
    • Monitor nutrient levels through regular check-ups and adjust supplementation accordingly.

  • Fluid Intake:
    • Pay attention to fluid intake to prevent dehydration.
    • Learn to manage fluid balance and adjust intake based on your individual needs.

Physical Activity and Exercise

Staying physically active is beneficial for overall well-being with a jejunostomy.

  • Low-Impact Activities:
    • Engage in low-impact exercises such as walking, swimming, or yoga.
    • Gradually increase activity levels based on your comfort and health status.

  • Recommendations of your Healthcare Professionals:
    • Consult with healthcare professionals before starting a new exercise routine.
    • Receive personalized guidance on suitable activities and potential restrictions.

  • Adaptive Exercise:
    • Explore adaptive exercises that cater to your specific needs and abilities.
    • Work with physiotherapists or trainers experienced in ostomy care for tailored exercise plans.

Clothing and Fashion

Choosing the right clothing and embracing fashion with a jejunostomy can boost confidence.

  • Comfortable Clothing Choices:
    • Select clothing that accommodates the stoma and offers comfort around the stoma.
    • Opt for loose-fitting styles or adaptive clothing that provides easy access.

  • Stylish Accessories:
    • Explore stylish accessories such as belts or wraps that enhance your fashion choices.
    • Consider ostomy-specific clothing lines that prioritize both comfort and aesthetics.

  • Confidence Building:
    • Embrace your personal style and experiment with clothing that makes you feel confident.
    • Share fashion tips and experiences with others in the ostomy community.

Intimacy and Relationships

Maintaining healthy relationships and intimacy involves open communication and understanding.

  • Communication with Partners:
    • Communicate openly with partners about your jejunostomy journey.
    • Share information, address concerns, and foster a supportive environment.

  • Exploring Intimacy:
    • Explore intimate activities gradually, prioritizing comfort and communication.
    • Seek guidance from healthcare professionals or counselors for emotional support.

  • Support Networks:
    • Connect with support groups or communities focused on relationships and intimacy with an ostomy.
    • Share experiences, gain insights, and learn from others navigating similar challenges.

Work and Employment

Navigating work and employment with a jejunostomy involves effective communication and advocacy.

  • Open Dialogue with Employers:
    • Communicate openly with employers about your jejunostomy and any specific needs.
    • Discuss potential workplace adjustments or accommodations that support your well-being.

  • Flexible Work Arrangements:
    • Explore flexible work options that allow for necessary breaks or adjustments.
    • Advocate for understanding and collaboration in creating a supportive work environment.

  • Advocacy for Accommodations:
    • Advocate for accommodations, such as accessible restroom facilities, if needed.
    • Stay informed about workplace rights and policies related to individuals with ostomies.

Support and Community

Building a support network is crucial for emotional well-being during the jejunostomy journey.

  • Online Support Groups:
    • Join online support groups or forums dedicated to individuals with jejunostomies.
    • Connect with others, share experiences, and gain insights into coping strategies.

  • Local Support Networks:
    • Explore local support groups or organizations that focus on ostomy support.
    • Attend events or meetings to establish face-to-face connections with individuals who understand your journey.

  • Professional Guidance:
    • Seek guidance from healthcare professionals, including ostomy nurses and counselors.
    • Access expert advice to address medical concerns, emotional challenges, and lifestyle adjustments.

Living Well with Jejunostomy

Embracing life to the fullest with a jejunostomy involves a holistic approach to well-being.

  • Holistic Well-Being:
    • Prioritize holistic well-being, addressing physical, mental, and emotional aspects.
    • Incorporate mindfulness practices, such as meditation or relaxation exercises, into your routine.

  • Adaptive Living:
    • Embrace an adaptive mindset, adjusting daily routines to accommodate your unique needs.
    • Continuously explore and adopt strategies that enhance your quality of life.

  • Gratitude and Positivity:
    • Cultivate a mindset of gratitude and positivity, focusing on achievements and milestones.
    • Celebrate small victories and milestones along your jejunostomy journey.


Navigating the jejunostomy journey is a profound and multifaceted experience that demands resilience, adaptability, and a wealth of information. By embracing informed decision-making, preparation, and education, individuals can undergo surgery and hospitalization with confidence. Complications and problem-solving become manageable with proactive strategies, leading to the successful adoption of a new lifestyle. Routine ostomy care, nutrition and diet considerations, physical activity and exercise, clothing and fashion choices, and managing intimacy and relationships are integral aspects of life with a jejunostomy. Work and employment can be navigated with effective communication, and building a robust support and community network contributes to emotional well-being. Ultimately, living well with a jejunostomy involves a holistic approach that prioritizes individual well-being, empowerment, and a positive outlook on the journey ahead.

Ostomy Canada Society Inc. is not an organization of medical professionals. The information provided on our website is intended for educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

It is crucial to consult with a qualified healthcare professional, including your physician or a Nurse Specialized in Wound, Ostomy, and Continence (NSWOC), before making any decisions about your health. Every individual’s medical condition is unique, and what may be suitable for one person may not be appropriate for another.

Ostomy Canada Society Inc. does not endorse or recommend specific medical treatments, procedures, products, or opinions mentioned on the website. Reliance on any information provided on this site is solely at your own risk.

If you have questions or concerns about your health, always seek the advice of a healthcare professional for personalized guidance. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it based on information obtained from our website.

Ostomy Canada Society Inc. strives to provide accurate and up-to-date information, but we cannot guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the content. Changes in medical knowledge and practices may occur after the publication of information on our website.

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