Thank You For Your Submission!

Thank you for submitting your application to be a Volunteer Mentor for the Ostomy Canada Youth Camp 2024. Your willingness to share your time, expertise, and personal experiences is invaluable and deeply appreciated.

Your application to serve as a Mentor at our camp underscores a profound commitment to supporting and inspiring young individuals living with an ostomy. At Ostomy Canada, we believe in the power of mentorship to positively impact the lives of these youths, providing them with guidance, support, and a sense of community.

We recognize the unique and essential role that each volunteer mentor plays in creating a safe, nurturing, and empowering environment at the camp. Your personal journey, experiences, and insights are crucial in helping our campers navigate their own paths with confidence and resilience.

Our selection committee will carefully review your application, considering how your experiences and approach to mentorship align with the ethos and needs of our camp. We are dedicated to assembling a team of mentors who bring diverse perspectives and skills, ensuring a rich and supportive experience for all camp participants.

Once again, thank you for your application and for your eagerness to make a positive difference in the lives of young ostomates. Your dedication to serving as a Volunteer Mentor is inspiring, and we look forward to the possibility of having you join us at the Ostomy Canada Youth Camp 2024. We will contact you soon to discuss the next steps in the application process.

Sign Petition

Ostomy Canada is petitioning the Ontario Government to: "Respect the ADP mandate to cover 75% of the average cost of ostomy supplies and would like your help by adding your name. Once we have a sufficient # of signatures, the petition will be brought to the Ontario Legislature by The NDP Health Critic.