Surgery and Hospitalization

Navigating Urostomy Surgery and Hospitalization: A Comprehensive Guide


Undergoing urostomy surgery is a significant step towards managing urological challenges, and the hospitalization process plays a crucial role in ensuring a smooth transition. This article provides a comprehensive guide to the surgery and hospitalization experience for individuals considering or preparing for a urostomy.

Preoperative Procedures and Preparations

  • Consultation and Assessment: Schedule thorough consultations with urologists, NSWOC nurse and healthcare professionals to assess the need for a urostomy and discuss the surgical procedure.

  • Having a stoma site market by a NSWOC: Collaborate with a NSWOC to ensure a meticulous marking of your stoma site, a crucial step in the ostomy care process, providing valuable insights into optimal placement and enhancing overall comfort and functionality.

  • Diagnostic Tests and Imaging: Undergo various diagnostic tests and imaging studies to provide a clear understanding of the underlying condition and aid in surgical planning.

  • Preoperative Counseling: Receive preoperative counseling to address any concerns, discuss the surgical process, and set realistic expectations for the postoperative period.

  • Consent and Documentation: Understand and sign consent forms, ensuring legal documentation of the agreement to undergo urostomy surgery.

Urostomy Surgery and Immediate Postoperative Care

  • Surgical Techniques: Discuss the different surgical techniques with the urologist, exploring options such as ileal conduit or neobladder, based on individual health and preferences.

  • Anesthesia and Recovery Room: Gain insights into the anesthesia process and the immediate recovery period in the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU).

  • Stoma Creation and Care: Understand the process of stoma creation and the immediate postoperative care involved, including monitoring for any signs of complications.

  • Pain Management: Receive information on pain management strategies, ensuring comfort during the initial stages of recovery.

Hospital Stay and Transition to Home Care

  • Length of Hospitalization: Learn about the typical length of hospitalization, which may vary based on the surgical approach, overall health, and individual recovery progress.

  • Nursing Care and Monitoring: Understand the role of nursing care in monitoring vital signs, stoma condition, and overall well-being during the hospital stay.

  • Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy: Explore the potential need for rehabilitation and physiotherapy services to facilitate a smooth transition back to daily activities.

  • Education for Home Care: Participate in educational sessions to prepare for home care, including stoma care, dietary guidelines, and recognizing signs that may require medical attention.


Urostomy surgery is a transformative journey, and understanding the preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative phases is key to a successful recovery. By actively engaging in consultations, being informed about the surgical process, and preparing for the hospitalization experience, individuals can navigate the urostomy journey with confidence. The support and care provided during hospitalization, coupled with comprehensive education, set the foundation for a positive and empowered approach to life after urostomy surgery. As individuals transition from the hospital to home care, the knowledge gained during this process becomes an invaluable resource, empowering them to embrace a fulfilling and healthy post-urostomy life.

Ostomy Canada Society Inc. is not an organization of medical professionals. The information provided on our website is intended for educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

It is crucial to consult with a qualified healthcare professional, including your physician or a Nurse Specialized in Wound, Ostomy, and Continence (NSWOC), before making any decisions about your health. Every individual’s medical condition is unique, and what may be suitable for one person may not be appropriate for another.

Ostomy Canada Society Inc. does not endorse or recommend specific medical treatments, procedures, products, or opinions mentioned on the website. Reliance on any information provided on this site is solely at your own risk.

If you have questions or concerns about your health, always seek the advice of a healthcare professional for personalized guidance. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it based on information obtained from our website.

Ostomy Canada Society Inc. strives to provide accurate and up-to-date information, but we cannot guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the content. Changes in medical knowledge and practices may occur after the publication of information on our website.

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Sign Petition

Ostomy Canada is petitioning the Ontario Government to: "Respect the ADP mandate to cover 75% of the average cost of ostomy supplies and would like your help by adding your name. Once we have a sufficient # of signatures, the petition will be brought to the Ontario Legislature by The NDP Health Critic.