Question: Seeking Solutions for Ostomy Appliance Flange Lifting

I’ve been struggling with my ostomy appliance, as the flange/faceplate starts to lift after about four days of wear. I’ve tried using Op-Site FlexiTape to secure the edges, but it often leads to skin irritation. Could you suggest any alternatives to prevent the edges from lifting, especially something that won’t cause itching? Shower frequency doesn’t seem to be a factor in this issue.

Response: Addressing Ostomy Appliance Adhesion Challenges

Dealing with an ostomy appliance that doesn’t adhere properly can be quite distressing. There are several factors to consider and potential solutions to explore:

  1. Skin Compatibility and Product Sampling: Individual skin chemistry varies significantly. It’s possible that your skin may not be compatible with the adhesive used in certain wafers. Contact ostomy product manufacturers for free samples and test different products to find the one that suits your skin best.
  2. Skincare Products: The ingredients in soaps, moisturizers, shampoos, and other skincare products can affect adhesive performance. Try switching to mild soaps without added moisturizers or oils.
  3. Wafer Extenders: Consider using wafer extenders, which come in various types like films, tapes, and elastic tapes. They provide extra support to keep your appliance secure and can be applied selectively to areas where lifting occurs.
  4. Body Hair: Excessive body hair can interfere with adhesive. Try shaving the area around your stoma before applying the appliance for better adhesion.
  5. Dry Skin Application: Ensure your skin is completely dry before applying the wafer. Humidity and moisture can affect the adhesive’s effectiveness.
  6. Applying Pressure and Heat: Some wafers require heat and pressure to activate the adhesive properly. Gently heat your wafer before application and apply pressure with your hand once it’s in place.
  7. Sweat Management: Sweat can weaken the adhesive bond. Consider using an extended wear wafer or changing your appliance more frequently, especially after activities that cause sweating.
  8. Check Expiry Dates and Storage: Ensure your ostomy supplies haven’t expired and store them as per the manufacturer’s guidelines.
  9. Adhesive Remover Residue: If you’re using an adhesive remover, ensure any residue is thoroughly cleaned off as it can prevent the next wafer from sticking properly.
  10. Professional Consultation: If these tips don’t resolve your issue, I recommend consulting with a specialized ostomy nurse or your healthcare provider for a personalized solution.

Remember, finding the right ostomy care routine can be a process of trial and error. Don’t hesitate to reach out to ostomy support groups or professionals for guidance and support.

Wishing you success in finding a comfortable and reliable solution.


Jo-Ann L. Tremblay
FACEBOOK – Author Jo-Ann L. Tremblay
TWITTER @joanntremblay
Author of “The Self-Coaching Toolbox”, “Better With A Bag Than In A Bag”, “Another BAG Another DAY”, “BAGs Around the World”, “Why Buttercup Wears a BAG!”, “The Sibs Gang Cave of the Golden Heart”,,
Member OstomyCanada /Medical Lifestyle Advisory Committee Member- Ostomy Lifestyle Expert
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Ostomy Canada is petitioning the Ontario Government to: "Respect the ADP mandate to cover 75% of the average cost of ostomy supplies and would like your help by adding your name. Once we have a sufficient # of signatures, the petition will be brought to the Ontario Legislature by The NDP Health Critic.