Question: Seeking Colostomy Care for Visiting Mother in Brampton, ON

My mother, who requires assistance with changing her colostomy pouch every 5 days, will be visiting Canada this summer. I live in Brampton, ON, and am looking for similar nursing or PSW services for her during her stay. As a non-resident, we understand the charges involved. Can you provide options for such services in the Brampton area?

Response: Exploring Colostomy Care Options for Visiting Non-Residents

It’s wonderful that your mother will be visiting Canada! To address your concern, here are some recommendations:

  1. Self-Care Ability Assessment: Consider if your mother has any difficulties with hand dexterity or movement which prevent her from changing the flange herself.
  2. Duration of Stay: The length of her visit is important. For a short stay, arranging paid nursing care could be less stressful.
  3. Family Involvement: For longer visits, training family members to change the flange could be a cost-effective approach.
  4. Nursing Agency Services: You can arrange for a nursing agency to conduct a teaching session for any family member willing to learn the process.
  5. Availability of Nursing Agencies: Research and contact nursing agencies in Brampton in advance to understand their services, costs, and availability. Here is a compiled list: Nursing Agency Brampton.
  6. Medical Supplies Preparation: Contact medical supply stores like Shopper’s Home Health to inquire about ordering necessary products and their availability.
  7. Educational Resources: Utilize online platforms like YouTube for tutorials on changing ostomy systems, which can be a helpful learning tool for family members.

Feel free to reach out for any further questions or guidance. We hope your mother’s visit is comfortable and well-supported.

Warm Regards,

Karen Bruton, RN BScN MCISc-WH WOCC(C)
Nurse Education Consultant – Interprofessional Practice Support
Indigenous Services Canada, Government of Canada
Ostomy Canada (Volunteer)
Medical and Lifestyle Advisory Team Lead


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Ostomy Canada is petitioning the Ontario Government to: "Respect the ADP mandate to cover 75% of the average cost of ostomy supplies and would like your help by adding your name. Once we have a sufficient # of signatures, the petition will be brought to the Ontario Legislature by The NDP Health Critic.